Music Impacts Children’s Brains


Music Impacts Children’s Brains – Music and its impact on the brain in children

In recent years, there has been a significant body of research conducted by neuroscientists exploring the impact of music on brain development.

Neuroscientists found that the structures and functions of musicians’ brains were different to that of non-musicians. Their studies showed that, not only did their brains look different, but their brains also functioned more effectively.

Scientific studies have found that music education stimulates three areas of the brain at once: the auditory, visual and motor cortices. Between the two hemispheres of the brain there is a bridge (corpus callosum) which allows messages to travel. Neuroscientists have identified that musicians have a much larger bridge and the messages that travel between the two hemispheres move in more creative pathways and at a much faster pace.

According to studies, musicians have high levels of executive function, highly developed memory systems and are able to solve problems and puzzles creatively and effectively. Executive function refers to a set of mental skills used when solving complex problems involving logical, conceptual, strategic and emotional elements. Neuroscientists determined that participating in music education raises students’ general cognitive capacity. They also found that the greatest gains can be made for students who undertake regular music activities before the age of seven.

Music education is essential for every child. The impact of music and its approach to education is not only evident through an extension of students’ musical knowledge, understanding and skills, but also in personal and social outcomes. Engaging in regular music study has a positive impact upon regular schooling outcomes through the development of highly flexible, focused and skilled minds.