Benefits of Music in Clinical Settings

Benefits of Music in Clinical Settings

Extensive medical research has shown conclusively that music in a clinical setting can provide significant positive benefits for patients.

  • ​It can reduce stress, by reducing the production of cortisol and increasing the release of stress reducing neurotransmitters. It can also reduce stress by reducing a patient’s sense of isolation and helping them reconnect with positive places within themselves.
  • It can help healthy circulation by reducing blood pressure and stabilizing the heart rate.
  • It can strengthen the immune system by triggering the production of gamma globulin A and killer cells.
  • It can help improve mood by increasing the production of dopamine, serotonin and endorphins.
  • It can help patients manage pain better than medication alone.
  • Beyond these general benefits, music has been shown to have specific benefits for specific hospital patients.
  • In a neonatal ward, music can give a newborn a soothing first experience of sound, replacing the beeping of medical machinery.
  • In a COVID unit, it can help a patient with compromised lungs stabilize erratic respiration.
  • In a cancer ward, it can help a patient cope better with pain.
  • In a waiting room, it can help ease the anxiety of an upcoming procedure.

​These are just some of the many benefits of music in clinical settings that research has already identified.